Yes,Boys and girls are studying together
No, Boys and girls aren't study together
Our planet Earth is the only place where we can live. People have always polluted their surroundings, and now the problem of pollution has become more and more dangerous.
Today our planet is in a serious danger. With the development of crowded industrial cities people have faced the danger of pollution. Air , water and soil are necessary for the existence of all living thing
Environment pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet. But, we can reduce the pollution. The government of all countries take measures for reducing pollution. People do their best to stop polluting activities.
The Taj Mahal is in Agra,India. It is one of the Eight Wonders of the Modem World. The palace is made of white marble and precious stones. In the sunshine,the marble shines with different colours, like pink,yellow and grey. There is a main dome in the centre that looks like a large pearl and there are four minarets at each comer. Inside, there are two floors each with eight rooms. Outside,there is a very beautiful garden with four pools. The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building.Тадж-Махал находится в городе Агра в Индии. Данное сооружение является одним из восьми чудес света, сохранившихся до наших дней. Дворец выполнен из белого мрамора и драгоценных камней. Когда светит солнце, мрамор сияет разными цветами, такими как розовый, желтый и серый. Существует главный купол, который находится в центре, а выглядит он как большая жемчужина и есть четыре минарета в разных углах. Внутри, есть два этажа, каждый восемью комнатами. Снаружи, расположен очень красивый сад с четырьмя бассейнами. Тадж-Махал- это фантастическое здание.
1. He famous because, he was filmed in the films.
2. Yevgeny Mironov was born in 1966 in Saratov.
3. Now he work with Peter Stein and Oleg Tabakov.
4. He is founder and president of the Artist Fund, supports retired actors.
5. At the moment he acting actor and he making new films.