My house is a two-storey building. Last year the iron fence was put around the house, there are also a gate which leads to the front door of the house and the back door which leads to the backyard. The walls are quite thick so the house is sturdy. The walls are painted in yellow color and the roof is green. There is a chimney on the top of the roof and a skylight, through which the light penetrates to the attic. There is a basement, where I store all my old stuff. There are also two balconies. And I forgot to mention a small garden where my mom grows different plants. Oh yes, and there is a garage, my dad keeps in it his car and I keep my bicycle.
Мой дом представляет из себя двухэтажное здание. В прошлом году он был обнесён железным забором, также есть ворота, которые ведут к главному в ходу в дом и вторая дверь, которая ведёт на задний двор. Стены довольно толстые, так что дом устойчивый. Стены покрашены в жёлтый, а крыша зелёного цвета. Также на крыше есть дымоход и окно, через которое свет просачивается на чердак. Также есть подвал, где я храню все свои старые вещи. Есть два балкона. Я забыл упомянуть о маленьком саде, где мама выращивает различные растения. Ах да, ещё есть гараж, мой отец держит там свою машину, а я велосипед.
НО, если тебе нужна помощь именно в составлении предложений, напиши в коменте помогу и разберём с тобой вместе
1. Что Алиса нашла за занавесом?
2. Почему Алиса не может зайти в прекрасный сад?
3. Что происходит, когда Алиса пьет из бутылки на столе?
4. Что происходит, когда Алиса ест торт?
5. Почему Алиса плачет?
Ex 4
1.Что вы думаете, хорошая ли идея есть или пить странные вещи? Почему (нет) ?
2. Как вы думаете, что Алиса чувствовала, когда стала маленькой?
3. Что хорошего/плохого в том, чтобы быть очень маленьким/высоким?
4. Вы можете придумать другое название этого эпизода?
5. Как вы думаете, что произойдет в следующем эпизоде?
<span><span>werona111 Профи (835) 2 года назад<span>0+</span></span><span>Kazan - the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the major economic, scientific, cultural centers and ancient cities of our country. Located on the great river Volga.
The challenge, as the eternal Rome, on seven hills, Kazan - capital of the ancient people and ancient country. Located fate will now almost in the heart of modern Russia, which lies just eight hundred kilometers east of Moscow, Kazan is the capital of a completely original people and multi-national republic that exists today between the Volga and Ural. This nation has - its own language, culture, old traditions and festivals, their own faith, but the past and present his most dramatic and sometimes fatally intertwined with the history and future of Russia. This nation - the Kazan Tatars, this country is - Tatarstan.
"Kazan" in Tartar means "pot". Location of the city resembles depression, and the boiler. According to another version, according to legend, one of the Khans has dropped here in the jet Kazanka its boiler, so the place became popularly known as "the place of the boiler".
Kazan - a city with very favorable geographical position, has long been a trading intermediary between the East and West, and today plays an increasing role in political, economic and international svyazyah.V Middle Volga first humans appeared about a hundred thousand years ago. Twenty thousand years ago from the Trans-Urals and Siberia, came to the Finno-Ugric tribes - the ancestors of the Mari, Mordvinians and extinct peoples Merya. The second millennium BC in the Bronze Age, was formed several tens of settlements in the ancient inhabitants of the territory of modern Kazan. According to A.H. Khalikov, such settlements are located north of today's street Podluzhny. Six such sites were found near the village Savinov, thirteen - in today's Volga area.
From the north and east of the settlement defended by a high cliff in the west - the steep slopes of the hill to the creek, and from the south - a deep, wooded ravine and bushes. Kazan scientists have determined that the settlement gave rise to the city of Kazan.
In the early 15 th century Kazan was called New Bulgar - Bulgar-al-Jadid - recognizing her the title of prince, the capital city.
Since the mid 15 to mid 16 th century Kazan - capital of the Khanate of Kazan, a city rich, beautiful, amazing contemporary castle walls and magnificent palaces and mosques. In the second half of the 16-17 century Kazan - the capital of eastern Russia, the center of a vast territory. During these years, the Kremlin rebuilt in stone. Begin construction of the famous masters of Pskov - Postnik Yakovlev nicknamed Barma (creator of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow), Ivan Shiryaev. They built in the Kremlin Cathedral of the Annunciation and laid some of the other buildings. Total in the Kremlin in the 17 th century was 5 square travel towers, 13 round of sentinel, for the walls were crowded buildings: 11 churches, 2 monasteries, "Sovereign yard," the bishop palace, homes serving people and outbuildings. Belonged to the Kremlin Posad, also surrounded by walls made of oak log house. Rustled in the tenements market, bells on churches and cathedrals, to build cities, to expand its granitsy.Kazansky Kremlin is a unique architectural and historical monument on the right numbered with the most remarkable World Heritage Site. The uniqueness of the Kazan Kremlin consists of a number of inherent features of it only because the Kazan Kremlin - a: The world's only active center of Tatar national culture and state power, the only preserved in the Russian .</span></span>
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