2) мой друг не большой. Она хорошая. Она храбрая и сильная. Она не ленивая. Ее нос короткий. Ее глаза темные. Она может прыгать и танцевать.
Она любит бананы и апельсины, но не любит ветчину и молоко. Мы вместе ходим в школу. Кто она? Какое у нее имя? Где она живет? Хотели бы вы встретить моего друга?
1. b - no one wanted to show his weakness
2. b - see the reaction to their absence
3. c - Tom had a secret plan
7) You live in England, don't you?
No, I don't.
8) He's having lunch now, isn't he?
No, he isn't.
9) Penny lives with Ruby, doesn't she?
Yes, she does.
10) The bathroom is at the end of the hall, isn't it?
No, it's not.
11) You and Martin have the same birthday, don't you?
Yes, we do.
12) She wears glasses, doesn't she?
Yes, she does.
2)Good morning. I am Miss Brown.
Задание 9.
2-Do,walk.No,they don't
3-Does,watch.Yes,she does.
4-Do,play.No,they don't.
5-Does,eat.No,hr doesn't.
6-Does,swim.Yes,he does
Задание 10.
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