1 I am writing a letter. Действия в данный момент.
2 I am learning English this year. Действия в текущем отрезке времени.
3 I am seeing the doctor tomorrow. Запланированные действия.
Форма глагола: am/is/are и причастие настоящего времени.
В моём классе есть дети, принадлежащие разным верованиям. Я подружился со всеми ними. Обычно мы хорошо ладим. Иногда мы пропускаем немного, но быстро наверстываем. Мы всегда собираемся вместе и смеёмся, потому что у нас есть чувство юмора. Мои друзья всегда бывают там ради меня, когда я расстроен. Они всегда верны, и я могу довериться им. Я тоже готов помогать им, если они обратятся ко мне для помощи или совета. Мы заботимся друг о друге, и я уверен, что они никогда не передадут меня, что бы ни случилось.
Reaches, walks, runs, lays, has, covers, wakes go take brush, opens am learning, learn, are watching, watch, sleep, sleep, is rideing, ,rides, is buying, buys, speak, is speaking.
There has gone the grandma to wood on fire wood. Suddenly hears: in a bog хряснуло, in wood has knocked - the bear goes.
- The grandma, the grandma, I will eat кобылку.
- Don't touch кобылку, I to you for it крепушку ladies.
- All right.
The bear кобылку hasn't touched.
Here there has another time gone the grandma on fire wood. In a bog хряснуло, in wood has knocked - the bear goes.
- The grandma, the grandma, and I will eat кобылку.
- Don't eat, I to you for it теплушку ladies.
- Well it is fine.
The bear кобылку hasn't touched.
Here in the third time there has gone the grandma to wood behind fire wood. In a bog хряснуло, in wood has knocked - a bear here.
- The grandma, the grandma, I will eat кобылку.
- Don't eat, I to you for it then to a baize will tell.
- Well it is fine.
The bear кобылку hasn't touched.
The grandma home has arrived, кобылку in a court yard has put, gate has propped up, has heated hot a log hut, has had supper and to sleep.
Yes the bear has come to a shutter - knock-knock!
- The grandma, give the promised.
- What to you it is promised?
- And крепушка.
- Oh-ho-ho, the log hut at the grandmother is strong locked.
Bear a paw - tuk-rat-tat!
- The grandma, give other promised.
- What to you it is promised?
- And теплушка.
- Oh-ho-ho, warmly the grandmother on the furnace to sit.
The bear a little bit has waited and is again knocked - tuk-rat-tat!
- That to you?
- Give, the grandma, the third promised.
- What to you it is promised?
- And потомбайка.
- A baize? Then to wood don't go - fire wood and so much!
And the grandma of a bear has deceived.