Банка апельсинового варенья- " orange marmalade<span>" упоминается в </span>книге Льюиса Кэррола «Алиса в стране чудес». <span>
Большой пирог с зеленым сахаром "A large cake with green sugar " упоминается в "Питер Пэне" </span><span>писателя сэра </span><span>Джеймса Барри.</span>
Hi, Mark!
I am writing to you this letter and I am happy. I am playing new computer game and my mother is cooking in the kitchen. My pet is laying on the carpet. My father is going home now.
What aboat you?
Maxim doesn't want to be a producer.
They don't like watching comedies.
. Kate is not good at music.
. He didn't enjoy the film
Nina hasn't finished reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
People have not traveled all over the world.
These pills are not to be taken with any other medicine