2 ghost - призрак
3 dodgem - электроавтомобильчик с бампером (аттракцион)
4 candy floss - сладкая вата
4 cake - торт
5 forest - лес
6 tunnel - туннель
7 mirror - зеркало
8 ice-cream - мороженое
Fragile Planet
Earth's Place in the Universe.
Travel 120 light years to rediscover home! Sigourney Weaver guides audiences on an immersive excursion that explores a Universe filled with the possibility of life. This visually rich program is grounded in observed data, with an evocative, multi-dimensional sound environment by renowned giant screen composer Michael Stearns. Develop a renewed appreciation for our fragile planet through the lens of astronomy.
Сравнительная степень: меньше, более маленький;
Превосходная степень: малейший, самый маленький, наиболее маленький, всех меньше