Ask a question
write your name with a pen
listen to your teacher, music, the radio
read a book, a newspaper
speak english, kazakh, other languages
Cheaply, ugly, fat, newly, lightly, hotly
1. tidies
3. cleaned
4. does
5. makes a promise ( весьма грамотный перевод!!!!!!!!!)
2. The children are playing quietly.
3. Is the teacher waiting in the classroom?
4. We are not training enough.
5. Sam isn't learning very much.
6. Are the students writing a test?
7. My sisters are taking driving lessons.
8. What are you reading?
2. am not eating.
3. are having.
4. is learning.
5. aren't going.
6. am making.
7. is sleeping.
8. are doing.
Айэлэнд. ит из э вэри олд сити.ит воз фаундид эбаут ту саусэнд ез эгоу.ландан из уан оф зэ моуст фэймоус энд интрэстинь ситиз ин Юэрэп.ит из фэймос фо итс плэйсиз оф интрэст.зэара лотс оф мьюзиэмз,хисторикэл билдиньз,эншэнт кэсидрэлз энд моньюмэнтс.ит из фул оф хистори.эвэри е саусэндз оф туэристс кам ту ландан