I can swim, I can ride a bike, I can run
I could read, I could play tennis, I could play the piano
Ответ 2 - зайчата.
Листопаднички - зайчики, родившиеся осенью, в листопад.
My parents it's the best pupils in my life.
parents are great gift of ones life.I cannot imagine my life without them.they are very loving and caring.my father was very kind and hard working.my mother is very lovely and caring.they loves me a lot .he takes me lot of care.lot of love and affection i only get from them.my parents always work hard for me.
To do - did
To go - went
To be - was/were
To make - made
To have - had
To come - came
1. Was driving 2. Was thrown 3. Had to 4. Feeling 4. Were 5. Is recovering 6. Would...have died