57-3=Fifty four
49-6=Forty three
33-1=Thirty two
49-28=Twenty one
50+26=Seventy six
62+25=Eighty seven
74+24=Ninety eight
Маргарет имеет двоюрыдных братьев, но она не сказала ихних имён
the UK many pupils between 11 and 16 of age wear a formal </span><span>uniform, a tie
and </span><span>shirt for boys and a blouse, a tie and trousers or a skirt for
girls. There is the school </span><span>badge and the name of school on the </span><span>pocket of
the jacket. Children in many UK state primary schools have a </span><span><span>jacket</span>
jumper and / or polo </span>trousers with the <span>school name and logo.
1. Can I have some/ few/ - (1) water from your fridge? - few с исчисляемыми существительными
2. Jack doesn't trust me. Whatever/ what/ that (2) I say he never believes me. - Что бы я ни говорил, он никогда мне не верит.
3. Where's the/a/ some (3) pen I gave you for your birthday
? - определенный артикль, потому что речь идет о той ручке, которую подарили на день рождения.
4. He can't eat some/a/- (4) bread, for example. - хлеб - неисчисляемое существительное, артикль не нужен, some в отрицании не употребляется.
5. Wherever/ whenever/ however (5) you're going ,I'm going with you - куда бы ты ни пошёл, я пойду с тобой.
6.- I don't know . Some/ a/an(6) hour, probably. - слово hour начинается с гласного звука, поэтому артикль AN
1 What was he doing the whole day yesterday?
2 watered
3 was watering
4 What did Pete do an hour ago?
5 Why were you angry with me yesterday?
I wasn't.
6 Where were you last night?We were at the theatre.
7 came,saw,was playing