1. A nts never sleep and do not know what is fatigue.
(Муравьи никогда не ложатся спать и не знают, что такое усталость.)
2. Insects are not able to rotate the head. All except mantis.
(Насекомые не способны поворачивать голову. Все, за исключением богомола.)
3. The fastest insects on the planet are dragonflies, their speed can reach 57 km / h.
(<span>Самые быстрые насекомые на планете это стрекозы, скорость их может достигать 57 км/ч.)
4. Insects do not have a skeleton - this role is performed by an external exoskeleton made of chitin.
(</span>У насекомых не бывает скелета — эту роль исполняет наружный экзоскелет из хитина.)
5. Each eye of a dragonfly consists of about twenty thousand small lenses.
(<span>Каждый глаз стрекозы состоит из примерно двадцати тысяч маленьких линз.)
( * </span>Every year, scientists discover more than seven thousand new species of insects. - Каждый год ученые обнаруживают более семи тысяч новых видов насекомых.)
Fedorova street is very popular and long. There is a narrow pavement. You can see a lot of houses, cafes, shops, cars. This street location in south of Tyumen. You can walk and relax in mall "Magic" and in Mall "Dialog". There is a hospital. This street is named after academician Yevgeny Fedorov.
Fedorova street is fantastic place to live and also to walk!
</span>I think you should tell you parents
to buy him his own things to play with.
</span>You must not be upset because of
going to bed too early. Try to understand that TV is not useful for children!
</span>Try to get on well with your
responsibilities. For that you must do all that even quicker to get much more
time afterwards.
</span>Don’t tell lies, tell truth, and your
mum will not judge you too harshly.