1. А lot of things have been scattered about by the children .
2. All the books have been put in the bookcase by our father.
3. The fields will be covered with by snow in winter.
4.The homework will be handed in tomorrow.
5. I don’t think all the preparations will be finished today.
6. I’m always invited to her dinner parties.
7. She showed me the dress that had been made by her daughter .
8. She wasn’t invited to the party.
9. The window wasn’t left open.
10. The light wasn’t turned off.
11. Some friends of mine were invited to tea. (by me).
12. An English book has been given to me by her.
(or: I have been given an English book)
13. Has the letter been written yet?
14. We have been told a lot of interesting things.
15.The paper has been written by the student without mistakes.
16.<span> T</span>he matter was discussed some days ago.
17. You are wanted on the phone.
18. My book was found by her on the windowsill.
19. Excellent shelters for tourists have been built in these mountains.
20. Have all the students been given out the exercises?
21. The boy was angry because he wasn’t allowed to go to the stadium (by his mother).
22. Why have my books been put on this table?
23. His taxes have been paid.
24. This old computer is still being used by her.
I'm in seventh grade. My name is Mologly Amin. My favorite hobby is Korean. I like to watch Korean TV shows, learn Korean, learn Korean actors. Then discuss all the series with dilbar. We tell each other a good series. I think My hobby is very common. Because all the girls in my class watch Korean TV shows.
1) Jane said, that she enjoys ice-skating.
2) Peter said, that Steve can't walk after the accident.
3) Sarah told me that she has never been abroad.
4) Jason said to his father that his friend is having a party soon.
1. Ректор встретится с делегацией в 9 часов утра.
2. Директор Института отправит этих студентов на конференцию в Москве.
3. Ученые купят немецкое оборудование для лаборатории.
4. Студенты будут слушать лекции профессора на следующей неделе.
5. Профессор из Великобритании научит нас английскому следующему термину.
6. Мой одноклассник даст мне учебник.
7. Наш лаборант научит нас использовать новое оборудование.
8. Мы проведем конференцию в понедельник.
9. Эти ученые изучат проблемы охраны окружающей среды.
10. Они предоставят нашей лаборатории современное оборудование.
В стенах Российской государственной библиотеки (бывшей библиотеки имени В. И. Ленина) находится уникальное собрание отечественных и зарубежных документов на 247 языках мира; объем её фонда превышает 43 млн единиц хранения. Здесь имеются специализированные собрания карт, нот, звукозаписей, редких книг, диссертаций, газет и других видов изданий.Библиотека предоставляет право пользоваться своими читальными залами всем гражданам России и других государств, достигшим 18-летнего возраста. Ежедневно сюда записывается около 200 новых читателей.Фондами Библиотеки вот уже 140 лет пользуются самые разные люди. Среди них ученые с мировыми именами и студенты, практики и мыслители, наши соотечественники и иностранцы.