City. в смысле село-город
Мне нравится лето. Потому что летом жарко и тепло, и ещё ты можешь носить мало одежды по сравнению с зимой.
1. What was the man doing, when somebody knocked at the door? 2. What was he waiting for? 3. What was the boy doing? 4. What were the students doing when you opened the door? 5. What was the girl eating when you came in? 6. Who was she looking for? 7. What were the students discussing? 8. What was the man doing when the clock struck ten? 9. How was the weather when you went out? 10. What was the boy doing?
1 My mum is more generous than my dad.
2 Our dog is noisier than our cat.
3 Daniel's painting is worse than David's.
4 Isabel works slower than Molly.
5 We arrived earlier than Noah and Dylan.
Перестань плакать. - Stop crying.
Продолжайте писать. - Keep writing.
Я думаю, что тебе следует заняться спортом. - I think that you should doing sports.
Ты уже закончил читать эту книгу? - Have you ended reading this book yet?
Он бросил играть в компьютерные игры. - He stopped playing computer games.
Хорошая идея начать играть на музыкальном инструменте. - It's a good idea to start playing a musical instrument.