Типо так?
I woke up in a good mood! I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth. After water procedures, I went to eat. When I ate I was about to get to school and I began to wait for the bus. When I arrived at school I had to sit for 7 long lessons. I went home after school. I ate at home and sat down to do homework. When I did all the lessons I went for a walk. Arriving home, I washed and went to bed. So my day is over. Thanks.
(Я проснулся в хорошем настроении! Встал с кровати и пошёл чистить зубы. После водных процедур я пошёл есть. Когда я поел мне предстоял путь в школу и я стал ждать автобус. Когда я приехал в школу мне предстояло сидеть долгих 7уроков. После школы я пошёл домой. Дома я поел и сел делать уроки. Когда я сделал все уроки то пошёл гулять. Придя домой я помылся и лёг спать. Вот и закончился мой день. Спасибо.)
Save nature
Nature is full of wonders that we very often fail to see. Flowers and trees are God's greatest wonders. How delicately they are made! How charming, and above all, how useful!
The animal and insect world abounds with wonders. There are fish that produce their own electricity. we can see insects live and work in colonies more disciplined than those of man. there are birds with richly-coloured feathers and beautiful voice.
Differant types of birds, making differant types of nest-tailor bird (in India) actually stitches together leaves to make a cosy home. The tortoise carries its house on its back.
Natur is all around us, giving to the human being each and everything... but we people are very cruel. we are cutting trees, weasting water... contaminating water... and distroying everything... I want to ask how many of us have ever stopped to admire beauty of nature? The rainbow with it' s seven colors, the rising sun or the fierce waves of the ocen? we are always busy...we watch tv at home, at the same time we must save our beautiful nature...from today I will everything which is going to distroy nature... I will start to tell my friends also...
1.Who DISCOVERED America?
2.Did she fIND her father?
3.There are 10 TOES on my feet.
4.Please remember me to BRING it
1) parents have to be well-mannered.2) parents have to give to children love and caress.3) parents have to teach children to manners and culture.4) parents have to help children.5) to try to understand them.6) to set an example of the children.children1) children have to be well-mannered and obedient and know behavior manners.2) children have to help parents and relatives.3) children have to love the parents.4) children have to study well.5) to set an example of the younger.<span>6) to be friendly.</span>