Ромео и Джульета самая великая история о любви всех времен.
С момента создания кинофильмов в1894 году, Ромео и Джульета стала одной из самых популярных кино историй. Огромное количество фильмов было основано на известной Шекспировской истории о любви, самый ранний относится к периоду 1900 года. Многие режиссеры взяли эту известную пьесу и превратили ее в фильм, стараясь сохранить сюжет оригинальной истории. Один из них - <span>BazLuhrmann. Его версия Ромео и Джульеты создана в 1996 году была описана как оригинальная, пост-модернистская версия Шекспировской трагической истории любви. С этим чрезвычайно успешным фильмом Luhrmann решил обновить историю - смешением современных условий и героев с практически оригинальным текстом. История происходит в Майами. Изменения в тексте, вместе с драматическими драками с оружием и страстными любовными сценами, сделало историю более приемлемой для современной аудитории.
</span>В версии фильма Luhrmannа, главные герои, Ромео (Леонардо ди Каприо) и Джульета (Клэр Дэйнс), подростки 90-х из Майами. Хотя даже постановка фильма очень нетрадиционная, он содержит всю тематику оригинальной версии, потому что она не изменил историю вовсе.
A middle-aged, well-to-do woman from Surrey was doing her Christmas shopping. She thought she would like a cup of tea. She went to a cafe in the department store, took a vacant seat with relief and laid all her parcels and her handbag on the chair next to her. A pot of good English tea was brought. While she was enjoying it she suddenly noticed a hand from behind snatch her handbag. She was so shocked that she could not react at once. When the woman understood all, the thief had disappeared. She walked to the Security and reported that she had been robbed and explained what had happened. She really did not have much hope that her handbag with the keys, money, credit cards would be found, especially so close to Christmas, when there was so little money in people's purses but it was more of a pleasant surprise when the people from the store rang her later that day. They said they had found her bag and added that if she came straight away, she would be able to get it back. Happy she hurried to the store. But when she arrived at the place, the people had no idea what the old dear was talking about. The poor shopper returned home. While she was opening the door it suddenly occurred to her that it was the handbag snatcher who had phoned her. During her absence the thief had taken away all the things from her house.
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In Summer I go to my grandparents. They live in a small village. There are only ten or eleven houses. Only old people live there. But in summer a lot of families with children and pets go there. It is very beautiful there. There is a small river where we can walk and swim. There is a big forest where we go to gather berries and mushrooms. There are a lot of gardens with apple and pear trees. And you can go to any garden and take these fruit. All people are friendly there. Every evening the gather together near one house, they talk and play cards or chess and children run and play hide-and-seek. It is fun. I like to spend my summer holiday there.