Октябрьская партия (Джордж Купер) Октябрь дал вечеринку; Появились листья сотен - каштаны, дубы и клены, и листья каждого имени. Солнце распространило ковер, и все было грандиозным. Мисс Погода руководила танцами, профессор Ветер. Каштаны были желтыми, «Оукс» в малиновой одежде; Прекрасные мисс Кленс В алой выглядели лучше всех; Все уравновешивало их партнеров, И весело дрогнуло. Вид был как радуга. Новый упал с неба. Затем, в деревенской пустоте, В прятки они играли, вечеринка закрылась на закате, И все остались. Профессор Ветер играл громче; Они полетели по земле; И тогда партия закончилась В веселых «руках» OTBET
1. 1) - 4
2) -10
3) - 2
4) - 3
5) - 5
2. 1 ourselves
2 yourself
3 myself
4 themselves
5 herself
6. Itself.
3. 1. No, I can't.
2. Yes, you can.
3. Yes, she can.
4. No, you can't.
5. Yes, I can.
4. 1. These buses.
2. That photo.
3. Those toys.
4. These knives.
5. Those mice.
6. Those babies.
5. Wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful.
Hot - hotter - the hottest.
Good - better - the best.
Strong - stronger - the strongest.
6. 1. know - no
2. Right - write
3. Hi - high
4. Hair - hare
5. Son - sun.
Решение на фото.
Ответ: 2,38*10^-7.
<span>2. Margaret asked Tommy w<span>hen he had
seen Helen.
3. Judy said she didn’t know what Fred was doing.
4. Jim asked his brother what he would do.
5. My grandfather asked me to speak up.
6. Paul told me that he had been to London
the previous year.
7. Terry told her daughter not to go out while it was raining.
8. Mary said that she could ski well.
9. Sam told Mary that he wanted to go away on holidays but he didn’t know
where to go.
10. The doctor advised the children to clean their teeth every day.
11. Ann asked me if I enjoyed soap operas.
12. I asked Erick if he would go to the party.
13. Nick told Nellie that he had to go to work.
14. She asked me how I felt.
15. My father asked Pat if she had met Mary at the station.</span></span>