If you can my. If I help you. If she slip? If he run? If they do?
My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. I like dancing, too. I began going in for sports when I was eight years old. It was swimming. I went to the swimming pool with all my family.
Now my hobby is lawn tennis. I like to play tennis very much. I play tennis two times a week: on Wednesday and Friday.
<span>I think I am good at tennis, but I want to play it better. I hope in future I will be a good tennis-player.
</span>Мои любимые виды спорта - теннис и плавание. Я также люблю танцевать. Я начала заниматься спортом, когда мне было восемь лет. Я стала ходить в бассейн. Я ходила в бассейн со всей семьей.
Теперь мое хобби - большой теннис. Я очень люблю играть в тенис. Я играю в теннис два раза в неделю - в среду и в пятницу.
<span>Я хорошо играю в теннис. Я надеюсь, что в будущем я стану хорошим игроком.</span>
<span>Great Britain is the main English-speaking country in the world. It consists of England, Scotland and Wales. There are many interesting sights in each of these countries and their capitals: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff. Millions of people visit Britain every year to learn more about its places of interest. One of the most thrilling sights is the Stonehenge. It’s an ancient monument made of stones standing either in circle or in a horseshoe shape. The origin and the meaning of these stones remains a mystery. However, the scientists think that it was used as a prehistoric calendar. Another attractive sight is Stratford-upon-Avon. It’s a small city in England, where the most famous English writer Shakespeare was born. Stratford-upon-Avon is not only his birthplace. He also lived and created his plays there. Lots of people come to see the Shakespeare’s house in Henley Street and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Other famous cities which attract lots of visitors are Oxford and Cambridge. These cities have become well-known thanks to their educational features. The best and highly-respected universities in the world are situated here. Nearly everyone wishes to study in Oxford or Cambridge, as it’s considered to be a very prestigious education. Many British places of interest are situated in the capital-city of London. Among them, the Buckingham Palace, which is the Queen’s official residence, the Westminster Abbey, where the most prominent Englishmen are buried, Big Ben, which is the biggest clock in the world, the Tower of London, which has once been a fortress, a prison and a royal palace. Tourists, who are passionate followers of the music band “Beatles”, might want to visit Liverpool. It’s a home town of this famous band. The football fans will enjoy a trip to Manchester, which is a home city of a world-famous team Manchester United. Natural attractions of Great Britain are also interesting. For example, the Scottish Highlands, Loch Ness Lake, the Lake District and some others.</span>
Британский любитель приключений Дейвид Корнсвейт путешествовал по Австралии на скейте.Он завешит свое путешествие на следующей неделе. Он побьет рекорд по самому длинному скейтбордисткому путешествию. Дейвид выбрал эту поездку потому-что он хотел новых ощущений.Он начал кататься на скейте 2 года назад.Теперь он путешествует 3600 миль. Кгда он закончит путешествие он расслабится. После этого он напишет книгу по поводу его поездки.
1. Is
3. will
6. couldn't
7. going
8. would
1 were
2 was located
4 ate
5 i dont know
6 scottish man
7i found