Think, English is really important in our life, we can talk with people from different and pretty good countries, can study at good Universities after school outside Russia, can learn a foreign culture and a lot of another nteresting things.<span>But, before this, we must can speak this language. So, it's a lot of thing we can do to learn it.
The best we can do at scool yaers - hear and learn</span> all information on lessons we can use in future, do homework. Also, ton very bad process - self-development. Listen to English music, watch<span> a movie in the English voice acting and ect.
(103 слова)</span>
Что друзья Даниэля едят на обед?
Знаменитая британская пистательница Джоанн К. Роулинг является автором книг о Гарри Поттере. Когда она была маленькой девочкой, она жила в Уинтерборне. Это большая деревня на юге Англии. Она не так далеко от города Бристоль. Она ходила в начальную школу Святого Михаила до 9 лет. Фамилия Поттера была взята у одного из ее деревенских друзей
<span>1 Prague has become central Europe`s most glamorous city.
2 Most of the tallest office towers in the world are in Kuala Lumpur.
3 Cleveland is now one of the cleanest cities in North America.
4 In Buenos Aires foreign bankers are as common as coffee house poets.
5 The London Underground is worse than the Tokyo Underground system.
6 Ireland is not as large as Sweden.
7 The London Stock Exchange is much older than the Singapore Exchange.
8 Their prices are very high as compared to ours.</span>