<span>1. Don't waste water - turn the tap off while brushing your teeth.
2. Our knowledge of English is getting better day by day.
3. Don't forget to flush the toilet after uaing it.
4. Did you know that a ton equals one thousand kilograms.
Ты о чём мурлычешь, кошка,
Возле нашего порожка? —
Кошка мышек сторожит,
Где какая пробежит…
И про них на лесенке
Распевает песенки.
What do you mean murlychesh, cat,
Near our nut? -
Cat mice guards,
Where some will run ...
And about them on the ladder
Sing songs.
The phone rang when I was having a shower.
It began to rain when I was walking home.
We saw an accident when we were waiting for the bus.
Mary was wearing her new dress when I met her.
The sick child was sleeping when the doctor came.
I came into the room when Jill was playing the piano.
It was raining when we went out.
John got off the train while it was going.
He had twenty-five accidents while he was learning to drive.
The little boy was fishing when he fell into the river.
I brave,I has got cat and dog.
__MAKE__ a telephone call
<span>__DO__a favour </span>
__MAKE__a mistake
__DO<span>__harm </span>
_DO__a job
__MAKE__a fire