<span> was - ед число
were - множественное число</span>
Человек, прославивший нашу родину, как первую страну, запустившую человека в космос - Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, родился в городе Гжатске Смоленской области (ныне он переименован в Гагарин) в семье колхозника Алексея Ивановича.
„Семья, в которой я родился“, - писал Гагарин, - „самая обыкновенная; она ничем не отличается от миллионов трудовых семей нашей Родины“. Отец Гагарина был мастером на все руки, он все умел делать в крестьянском хозяйстве, но больше всего плотничал и столярничал; мать работала в колхозе дояркой.
В 1941 году пошел в школу, но учебу прервала война. Окончив в Гжатске шесть классов средней школы, поступил в ремесленное училище N110 г. Москвы Московской области.
Одновременно с постижением специальности литейщика-формовщика, учился в школе рабочей молодежи, закончив которую с похвальной грамотой, получил направление на учебу в Саратовский индустриальный техникум. И здесь, по словам Юрия, «крепкими корнями врос в землю саратовского аэродрома» .
Далее учеба в 1-м Чкаловском военном авиационном училище, служба в частях истребительной авиации Северного флота.
1960 год. Юрий Гагарин зачислен в отряд космонавтов.
12 апреля, 1961 год. Ликование всего мира - впервые в истории человечества человек совершил космический полет вокруг земного шара, длившийся 108 минут.
Гагарин стал Гражданином Вселенной. The person who has glorified our native land as the first country which has started the person in space - Jury Alekseevich Gagarin, was born in the city of Gzhatske of Smolensk area (nowadays it{he} is renamed into Gagarin) in family of collective farmer Alexey Ivanovicha.
„ Family in which I was born “, - wrote Gagarin, - „ the ordinariest; she{it} differs nothing from millions labour families of our Native land “. Father of Gagarin was the master on all hands, it{he} is skilful to do{make} all in a country facilities{economy}, but most of all carpentered and a carpenter; mother worked in collective farm as the milkmaid.
In 1941 has gone to school, but study was interrupted with war. Having ended{stopped} in Гжатске six classes of high school, has acted{arrived} in vocational school N110 of of Moscow of the Moscow area.
Simultaneously with comprehension of a speciality of the founder - former, went to school young workers, having finished{stopped} which with the creditable letter, has received a direction on study in the Saratov industrial technical school. Here again, according to Jury, « strong roots has grown in the ground of the Saratov air station ».
Further study in 1-st Chkalovsk military aviation school, service in parts истребительной aircraft of Northern fleet.
1960. Jury Gagarin is enlisted in group of cosmonauts.
On April, 12, 1961. Triumph of all world - for the first time in a history of mankind the person has made space flight around of the globe, continued 108 minutes.
<span>Gagarin became the Citizen of the universe. - немного отредактируй и готово!</span>
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1. Next year our school team a) will invited will be invited to take part in a football competition.
2. Some new stadiums b) are being built in Sochi now.
3. I hope the dress c) will have been made by the party.
4. How many cat shows b) have been organized in the club so far?
5. Dakar rally a) has been organized since 2009.
6. The building b) was designed by an American architect last year.
7. Most business b) is based on the idea that you buy cheap and sell dear.
8. When he arrived home, the burglar a) had already been taken away in a police car.
9. Letters b) are often sent to all our clients.
10. A new swimming pool b) was being built all last year.