I want to tell you the story of how I went with a friend to the river. It was a typical summer day. Sava offered a ride to the river. It was hot, so I agreed without hesitation. But I have no idea what's waiting for me to come.
The vehicle passed a careful inspection. Well, that is the Sava looked at him briefly and said that everything is in order.
The sun was still high in the sky and blew a pleasant summer breeze. We sat on our steel horse and left. Along the way, I started to feel the rear wheel tapping, but did not attach much importance.
Upon arrival, we saw that the beach was empty, but that did not stop us to swim. The day came to an end. Everything was amazing.
We were already halfway home. But then we came off of the wheel. Barely pausing, we examined the problem. And we understood that it is necessary to push.
A few hours later we arrived at the house. There we waited for the parents. But now there is something to remember. It was a wonderful trip.
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Пример: завтра воскресенье. Чип пойдет завтра в школу?
1/ завтра будет снег. Чип пойдет гулять со своей собакой.
2/ чип поезд прибудет в 10 часов. Чип придет на станцию в 7 часов утра
3 / чип будет праздновать Новый год в своем Grannys, который живет в небольшом загородном доме глубоко в лесу.
4 завтра будет очень холодно. Чип наденет футболку и шорты
5 / завтра он ложится спать в 8 часов вечера
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