1. I'm
2. I'm not
3. you're
4. aren't
5. he's
6. he's
7. it's
8. it's
9. can't
10. I'd
11. she's
12. she's
13. I've
14. haven't
15. don't
16. doesn't
17. hasn't
18. isn't
19. they're
20. they've
1. fur.
2. insect.
3. feather.
4. wings.
5. zoo.
1. He plays football on Mondays.
2. He lives in Brazil.
3. Monkeys live in trees.
4. Rhinos eat plants.
5. A cat likes milk.
1. Does she eat vegetables? Yes, she does.
1. Where does he live?
2. I don't know what she likes.
3. What does she like?
4. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?
5. I want to know where you usually spend your holidays.
Panda is a bear native to central-western and south western China. It's colored in black and white, with well-known black patches around the eyes, over the years and across the body. Though most of the bears usually are predators, panda's diet consists mostly of bamboo. Long ago pandas used to live in the lowland areas, but farming and other evolutionary development caused it to become a mountain animal. Usually pandas spend their life roaming hills and bamboo forests and feeding on bamboo. Each panda bear has a quite big private territory, and panda females won't tolerate other females on their territory without a fight. Today pandas have become endangered species because of a very low birthrate and hunters, who used to poach pandas greatly because of their soft and colorful fur. Though it's now protected very well by the nature-protective organizations, it's still very hard to reproduce these species to that level which will bring them out of danger of extinction because captured pandas lose their interest in mating and, even if cubs are born, they're very weak and often die for no reason. Panda, of course, can't be called a national emblem of China, but it's almost as famous in this role, as a dragon. Even in ancient China it was treated with great respect.
<span>Стихийные бедствия могут возникать как независимо друг от друга, так и связанно: одно из них может повлечь за собой другое. Некоторые из них часто возникают в результате деятельности человека (например, лесные и торфяные пожары, производственные взрывы в горной местности, при строительстве плотин, закладке (разработке) карьеров, что зачастую приводит к оползням, снежным лавинам, обвалам ледников Для меня это страшно! Независимо от источника возникновения, стихийные бедствия характеризуются значительными масштабами и различной продолжительностью — от нескольких секунд и минут (землетрясения, снежные лавины, лимнологические катастрофы) до нескольких часов (сели), дней (оползни) и месяцев (наводнения).Natural disasters can occur independently of each other, and connected: one of them can lead to another. Some of them often result from human activities (e.g., forest and peat fires, industrial explosions in the highlands during the construction of dams, tab (development) quarries, which often leads to landslides, snow avalanches, landslides glaciers For me, it is scary! Regardless of the source of origin, natural disasters are characterized by high levels and varying duration from several seconds and minutes (earthquakes, avalanches, Limnological catastrophe) up to several hours (sat), days (landslides) and months (floods).