I love to spend time with my father. we can often watch a movie at home if it rains outside. sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theater if the weather is fine. My dad and I work together in my grandmother's garden. that we already love listening to music and dancing. We are preparing to eat for our family as well.
Я люблю проводить время с отцом. мы часто можем посмотреть фильм дома, если на улице идёт дождь. иногда мы ходим в кино или в театр, если на улице хорошая погода. я и папа вместе работаем в саду у бабушки. та уже мы любим слушать музыку и танцевать. Мы готовим кушать для нашей семьи также.
1. Math, English, Chemistry, Physics.
2. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son.
3. Red, Green, Blue, Pink, Blue.
4. Bread, Sandwich, Jam, Candies, Chips. / Water, Black tea, Juice, Soda, Milk.
5. Lamp, Monitor, Table.
6. Cat, Dog, Elephant.
7. Table, Chair, Chandelier.
8. To do a homework, watch TV, play a computer games.
He brush teeth every day.+
I don t have a shower often. -
Does she have breakfast every day? все peset simple
Are they geting dressed now?
I am playing football. +
You are not playing football.- present continoos
I (will be thinking) of you.
7. I don`t feel well enough to go the station to meet him.
I (will meet) him for you.
But how will I (recognize) him?
He`s small and fair, and he (will be wearing) a black and white school cap.
8. - You`ve left the light on.
- Oh, so have I. I (will go) and turn it off.
9. This time next Monday I (will be sitting) in a Paris cafe reading le Figaro.
- You (will not be reading). You`ll be looking at all the pretty girls.
10. - Waiter, this plate is dirty.
- I`m sorry, sir, I (will bring) you another one.
1)книга для чтения
4)серия, ряд, линия, шеренга, строка, линейка,
8)действующее лицо
9)быть сумасшедшим
10)главная фигура
11)главный облик
12)относиться к