<span>В романе Достоевского «Преступление и наказание» есть один
персонаж, которого становится безумно жалко – это Софья Мармеладова.
Юная девушка пожертвовала собой ради спасения собственной семьи, но до
конца масштабы этой жертвы никто не смог оценить. Просто все видели лишь
внешнюю сторону новой жизни Мармеладовой, а ее душа никого не
Соня Мармеладова выросла в
скромности, благонравии, поэтому окружающий мир пугал ее своей
беспринципностью и черствостью. Если бы Соня выросла в богатой семье,
она смогла бы помогать бедным, подавала бы милостыню и приводила бы
людей к богу. К сожалению, ей была уготована другая судьба, которая
привела ее на низшую социальную ступеньку.
Соня стала
торговать своим телом за гроши, чтобы помогать своей семье. Мама робко
брала деньги, но понимала, что без этого подаяния прожить невозможно.
Казалось бы, такой образ жизни должен был озлобить юное создание,
потрепать, но Софья стала более терпимой к чужим порокам.
правдой жизни для Сони стала любовь к ближнему, которой она научилась
из библии. Это покажется невероятным, но эта девушка читала библию
Раскольникову – и смогла тронуть его душу. Вдруг стало ясно, что миром
правит любовь и сострадание к ближнему, а без этих чувств мир
превращается в пустыню.
<span> К сожалению, в
современном мире люди все чаще предают друг друга, забывают о
существовании высших идеалов и светлых чувств, поэтому мы все больше
утопаем в грязи и мраке. Просто нужно быть внимательными к окружающим
людям, относиться к ним с уважением – и мир станет лучше!</span></span>
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Michael Jeffrey Jordan, popular American basketball star, was born on 17
February, 1963 in Brooklyn. His childhood was quite comfortable. His father,
James, was an electrician at a factory.The family moved to Wilmington, because
drugs and violence were highly visible in Brooklyn, making it unsafe to create
the right environment for the upbringing of children.<span>
From childhood Michael loved sport, but his
first passion was baseball. Larii, his elder brother was successful in this
game and Michael </span>was for him an ideal model to follow<span>. Jordan was very competitive since
childhood, and that is why, when he was in high school, he worked so hard to be
qualified for the selection to the senior group.
He also received a basketball scholarship from
the University of North Carolina, and they chose him for the first team stars
NCCA All-American. This was the beginning of his path to success and
achievements. He joined the National basketball Association, won the Naismith
award and the title of the player of the Year in 1984.
His excellent performance in sport allowed him
to dominate in the NBA and he was selected to play for the Chicago bulls, and
also in the NBA All-Star after gaining average of 28.2 points in six games. His
success allowed him to reach stellar heights and he was recognized as the Most
valuable player of the National basketball Association.
Jordan was included </span><span>in the USA basketball team</span><span> for the Olympic games in the year 1984 in Los Angeles, where the team won gold. He
also helped the team to win gold at the 1992 Olympics, held in Barcelona.
Michael has always played an important role in
the NBA, Chicago bulls and he has made a significant contribution to the NBA
championship, winning Los Angeles Lakers in the finals.
He retired from the game in October 1993 at the
age of 33. He began to play baseball but in 2001-2002 he returned to the NBA.
He played well, but he had to miss some games due to injuries that led to his
dismissal from the Washington wizards after playing for two seasons on them.</span>
1. I‘ve never been to Italy but I‘d like to go there.
2. I‘m in a difficult position. What do you advise me to do?
3. She said the letter was personal and wouldn‘t let me read it.
4. The customs officer made Sally open her case.
5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed to go.
6. Hot weather makes me feel tired.
7. Where would you recommend me to go for my holidays?
8. The film was very sad. It made me cry.
9. Carol‘s parents always encouraged her to study hard at school.
10. Let me carry your bag for you.
11. Her parents wouldn‘t let her go out alone.