3. Mary was studying when I arrived.
4. When did you send the E-mail?
5. Have you ever seen this movie?
6. When the guests arrived I had already cooked dinner.
7. I didn't understand what you said
Has Larry got a toy soldier?
1 - Frenchman
2 - American
3 - British
4 - Japanese
5 - Canadian
6 - Russian
7 - Greek
8 - Italian
On the weekends I usually do my homework, but it was a fantastic weekend! At first, me and my parents went shopping and ate ice cream. Later we went to the Park and we saw many interesting places in fish, aquariums, dolphins. After we went to the Park. We walked around the duck pond. I even fed them from my hand! The weather was very good. Soon we went home, I was very happy this weekend.
На выходных я обычно делаю свои уроки, но это были фантастические выходные! Сначала я с моими родителями ходил по магазинам и ел мороженое. Позже мы пошли в аквапарк, и мы видели много интересных мест с рыбами, аквариумами, дельфинами. После мы пошли в парк. Мы гуляли около пруда с утками. Я даже кормил их со своей руки! Погода была очень хорошей. Вскоре мы пошли домой, я был очень рад этим выходным.