The whole area had flooded because of the heavy rain.
The environmental group complained because the river was polluted.
Those red ants can give you a bite which really stings.
The noise caused by the factory annoyed the people of the village.
No one was sure what had caused the wildlife in the area to disappear.
I don't believe our government is doing enough to protect the environment.
The fire destroyed huge areas of forest.
Many of the birds have disappeared from the forest.
We hope we can stop the damage before it's too late.
Nothing remained of the building after the fire.
Современный лингвист Маргарита Николаевна Кожина утверждает, что "читатель проникает в мир образов художественного произведения через его речевую ткань". Я согласна с высказыванием лингвиста Кожиной. Во-первых , при помощи речи читатель может дать характеристику данному герою.Например, в предложениях 16, 17 мы видим, что мальчик очень переживает за собаку, мы также видим душевное состояние мальчика. Во-вторых ,в предложениях 34, 35 мы видим, как мальчик любит собак.<span> Таким образом, высказывание Маргариты Николаевны Кожино я считаю правильным.
</span>Modern linguist Margarita N. Kozhina argues that "the reader enters the world of images of works of art through his speech fabric".
I agree with the statement of the linguist Kozhina. First , using speech reader can characterize this geroulanos, in offers 16, 17, we see that the boy is very concerned about the dog, we also see the state of mind of the boy. Secondly ,in offers 34, 35 we see the boy loves dogs.
<span>Thus, the statement Margarita Nikolaevna Kozhino I think is right.</span>
1 it was snowing when they went out 2. Was playing, opened. 3. Looked, it was sleeping 4. Was running, saw
1) We waited
2) The children wait
3) Sally will wait
4) They waiting
5) My friend waits
6)Look! The girl waiting
7) We waited
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