В изучении природы он был последователем Бекона Веруламского<span>, противником схоластической философии</span><span> и давал предпочтение опыту перед умозрением; иногда это направление мешало ему делать обобщения смысла замеченных им явлений. Весьма важный физический закон сжатия газов, который носит теперь его имя (закон Бойля - Мариотта</span><span>), остался бы, может быть, незамеченным Бойлем, если б не первоначальное указание его ученика Ричарда Таунли</span><span> на правильность сжатия газов с увеличением давления в опытах Бойля.
<span>In the study of nature , he was a follower of Bacon of Verulam , opponent scholastic philosophy and gave preference to the experience of speculation ; sometimes this direction prevented him from making a generalized sense of the phenomena seen . A very important physical law compression of gases, which now bears his name ( Boyle - Mariotte ) would remain , perhaps unnoticed Boyle , if not the original designation of his pupil Richard Townley for proper compression of gases with increasing pressure in the experiments Boyle</span>
It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK seem to have put these words into practice. Their enthusiasm for helping others shows in the 187,000 charity organisations that exist in the country. Some of the most famous ones are Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care.
People donate money to charity organisations or volunteer to help them raise money. Many of these organisations run charity shops. The first chanty shop in the United Kingdom was established by Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford. Oxfam has the largest number of charity shops in the UK with over 800 stores.
Charity shops sell goods at very low prices. The items for sale are usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These include books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for special occasions such as Halloween. There are bargains for everyone! Some charity shops also sell new goods that are somehow related to the cause they support.In Oxfam stores, for example, you can find fair trade food and crafts.
Мама решила усыновить птенчика и забрала его с собой, так в семье курицы появился маленький утёнок