1) an expensive white satin <span><span>wedding </span>dress
2) a brilliant</span><span> new French</span><span><span> detective </span>film
3) a </span><span>fascinating ancient</span><span><span> Greek </span>monument
4) a pair of old </span><span><span>black </span>leather walking shoes
5) a</span><span><span> enormous</span></span><span><span>brown </span>German beef sausage
6) a </span><span>lovely </span>red and white <span><span>Turkish </span>marble chess set
<span>In my spare time I like to read, draw,walk. I read different books. Love books that speak of love. I draw houses, people,cats,dogs. I simply type in the web "how to draw..". I walk with my friends, we have some fun. We go to the shops, just walking on the site. Funny to us and fun. Never be lazy in your spare time. Enjoy every minute and do not sit on the couch.</span>
In the ancient times Greeks used the word Australia to mean south or the southern part of the world. Often known as Terra Australis Incognita, Australia has been referred to colloquially as Oz from the early 20th century. Legends of Terra Australis Incognita date back to Roman times and were commonplace in medieval geography, although not based on any documented knowledge of the continent.
The cat is on the chair.
There is a picture above the table.
The shelf is under the photograph.
The book is next to the pencil case.
The man is in front of the tree.
The dog is behind the house.
The toy is inside the box.