<span>Посмотрите на картинку и напишите, что делается на дне рождения</span>
Chiming clock on Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.
In 1491 at the prince Ivan III for strengthening of a northeast part of the city Spasskaya Tower has been built.Spasskaya Tower - square in the basis also has 10 floors. Its height - 71 meters.The first hours on Spasskaya Tower have been determined in 1491. Further they changed repeatedly and restored.So, in 1625 under the leadership of the English master Hristofor Galovey have been made new which executed music.In 1851-1852 on 8-10 tiers have established the chiming clock performing serially "the March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment" and the anthem "Kohl Is Nice Our Lord in Zion" of Dmitry Bortnyansky.In 1999 shooters and figures have gilded. A chiming clock began to execute a national anthem of Russia. Height of the Roman figures of hours makes 0,72 meters. Length of an hour hand - 2,97 m, minute - 3,27 m. Watch is wound by means of three electric motors. The striking of a clock is carried out by means of the hammer connected to the mechanism and a bell. Dials have diameter of 6,12 m and come to four parties.
<span>2) a bridge - мост
3) a garden - сад
4) a road - дорога
5) a river - река
6) a hill (некоторые учителя просят слово mountain - гора, но правильнее hill - холм)
7) a field - поле
(4 класс Unit 2 Enjoy English)</span>
1. Государство профинансирует строительство больницы.
2. Мы предпримем все усилия, чтобы минимизировать стоимость производства.
3. Позвони в туристическое агентство и забронируй место в самолете.
<span>4. Он встретил своего американского коллегу в московском аэропорту.</span>