<span>Mendeleyev was the first to discover the Periodic Law.</span>
Among the first impressions for all the visitors who come to Ukraine is its national food. Ukrainian cuisine is diverse and unique. It has a rich history and is very popular in Slavic countries. There are a lot of tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine but the most famous one is perhaps the borscht. It is a vegetable soup, made of beets, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. They also add garlic, onion, dill and meat
До перших вражень всіх відвідувачів, які приїжджають в Україну, є її національна кухня. Українська кухня різноманітна і унікальна. Вона має багату історію і є дуже популярною в слов'янських країнах. В українській кухні є багато смачних страв, але, мабуть, найвідомішим є борщ. Це овочевий суп, зроблений з буряка, капусти, помідорів, моркви і картоплі. Туди також додають часник, цибуля, кріп і м'ясо
Номер 4
3. dangerouse
4. presenter
My mum works in home(she is a housewife).
She is a good for do a healthy and delicious dinner.
She has to wash floors, wash the dishes and wash clothes.
I think that she is tired so I help her do a house work.
My favorite toy (essay-description) I have a lot of toys: dolls, rabbit, tiger, crocodile, elephant, clockwork machine. But most of all I love the bear. Gave it to me for my birthday Uncle Tolia, when I was five years old. I called him and Tolia, falling in love at first sight. Do bear dark brown plush fur and cute little face always expressed surprise. Roofing looks at the world round beady eyes, in which there is a lot of love and good nature. Red tongue slightly protruding from his mouth, as if asking honey or other goodies.<span> When I was little, you liked to hide in warm coat nose bear. And now, even though I was eleven years old, I often take Toll on hand is pressed against his cheek, and sometimes fall asleep with him. And I love to do my homework, when sitting next to Tolia, he seemed to help me think better. And if my brother casually bear, Toll barks, expressing their discontent. But this by- 1 Vaeth rare because not only I, but all of us in the house of love furry little friend</span>