Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I spent time doing a school project.
I hope that your trip was interesting and funny. I didn't travel too much around Russia, because it's too big. Travelling by car is impossible in some regions. If I had a chance I would like to visit Kamchatka. I would like to see its nature: craters, mountains, geysers and sea. Where I live the nature is poor, Saint Petersburg is a cultural capital of Russia. It has many museums and theaters.
Anyway, you've mentioned your plans on the summer. Are you going to climb those mountains with your parents? Is it far from the State you are living in? For how long are going to stay there?
I've got to go as my friend is asking me for help.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Правило такое:
Если первая часть вопроса утвердительная (+), то «хвостик» отрицательный (-).
И наоборот: если первая часть вопроса отрицательная (-), то «хвостик» утвердительный (+).
Как в батарейке:
+, — ?
—, + ?
А ответ на само задание см. ниже
1.are you doing - что ты сейчас делаешь? eating - я ем ананас.
3.complain,doesnt complain - я никогда ни на что не жалуюсь,Рита тем более не жалуется.
4.are you washing - Чем ты моешь голову?
5.wash,washes - Обычно мы моем голову шампунем,но она моет голову яицами и хлебом.
6.doesnt seem,changes,stops,will go - Погода выглядит не очень хорошо сегодня.Мы надеемся,что скоро станет получше.В любом случае,если дождь прекратится,мы поедем завтра в путешествие.
Номер 2
номер 3
1)darker than
2)bigger than
3)more expensive than
4)more exciting than
5)sunnier than
6)more useful than
Do you want to go to this school?
Does she play on a musical instruments?
Are you feel guilty after a bad act?