<span>1 How is ’routine’ usually seen nowadays?
2 What world do we live in?
3 What should we do </span>before joining the 24-hour revolution?<span>
4 Where do </span>we have a ’body clock’?<span>
5 What does our "body clock" control?
6 What can ignoring our body clock lead to?
7 What can lead to serious health problems?
8 What happens when we are trying to outsmart our body clocks?
9 What society </span><span>were we not designed to be members of</span><span>
10 </span>What keeps our body clocks ticking rhythmically?
11 What <span>may well save our life in the long run?</span><span>
1) the holiday hostel is friendlier than the regent guest house
2) the regent guest house is the nearest to the city centre
3) the crown hotel is more comfortable than the holiday hostel
4) the regent guest house is the most expensive
5) the holiday hostel is nearer the city centre than the crown hotel
6) the holiday hostel is the cheapest
7) the crown hotel is bigger than the regent guest house
8) the regent guest house is the most comfortable
9) the crown hotel is the friendliest
10) the holiday hotel is the biggest
1. ARE going to go
2. what ARE you doing tomorrow?
3. it WILL rain
4. makes
5. i am not able to (будущее время вместо CAN)
6. WILL get (не совсем уверен)
7. вместо may можно поставить can или could (лучше поставить could, т.к. действие будет в будущем)
Картина-It is Tina⁾s picture
компьютер-it is Tina⁾s computer
книга-it is Tina⁾s book
пазл-it is Tim⁾s puzzle
Ну вот к примеру:
Моя любимая игрушка - плюшевый заяц - <span><span>My</span><span>favorite toy</span><span>-</span><span>plush</span><span>bunny</span></span>
У меня есть плюшевый заяц - <span><span>I have a</span><span>plush</span><span>bunny</span></span>
На комоде лежит плюшевый заяц - <span><span>On</span><span>the dresser</span><span>is</span><span>plush</span><span>rabbit</span></span>
В книге нарисован плюшевый заяц - <span><span>The book</span><span>is drawn</span><span>teddy</span><span>hare</span></span>
мне подарили плюшевого зайца - <span><span>I was given a</span><span>plush rabbit</span></span>