Какие слова идут вместе? Спичка
<span>they are no friends of the bear not long tail</span>
Вспомогательный глагол особого типа: can, should, could, will ought, might. :)
Art... What is it? What does it mean for us? Especially nowadays... Let`s see and find the answers.
We already now that in the Renaissance people turned to art, and it got a great value for them. But now...
You can say that now that art doesn`t mean anything for us. We can see that it became more different and a bit strange. But we still need it. We have the opportunity to develop culturally and spiritually.
It is important for us.
На скорую руку могу только перевести и подсказать, как сделать сам проект: тебе нужно узнать, какие таланты есть у твоих одноклассников и расспросить их, как долго они этим своим хобби занимаются. Удачи :)