I'm from Russia,and John of England 2,I have many friends in USA and Canada 3,Jane in portfolios books
The older generation insists that young people should speak clearly and correctly in their native tongue. Instead of calling your friend holmes or home boy, call him by his given name like Jimmy or Johnny.
Remember that a dog has four legs and barks and shouldn't be used is polite company when addressing Jimmy or Johnny.
4) many
5) some
6) a lot of
7) many
8) much
Задание выполнено на 100% правильно! Я гарантирую. Без вранья. Сама проверяла. И я этот ответ написала не из-за баллов, а чтоб тебе помочь!
British children have school holidays at Christmas, in spring and in summer наверное это имелось в виду.