Popular places in London?
Who has lunch at scholl?
Where Mary has lunch?
What Mary has lunch at scholl?
When Mary has lunch at school?
My friends/ classmates and I.
I`ve got many friends at school.
They are my classmates.
We go to school together.
We usually go to the park or to the cinema after our classes.
Sometimes we go to the disco in the evening.
I think my friends are very friendly and kind.
I`m sure that we are really friends.
Besides we spend our holidays together too.
Эмили и Гарри обедают днём. Эмили и Гарри гуляют после школы. Эмили и Гарри смотрят фильм вечером.
1 are
2 is
3 have
4 will be
5 was
6 were
7 has got
8 am
9 had
10 have got