Al Khorazmiy was a great Uzbek scientist who was born in 783 in Khorazm. His full name was Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muso. He did his researches in mathematics, astronomy and geography. He enriched the world’s science with his scientific achievements. He wrote more than 20 works and some of them were translated into many languages of the world. The widely used term “algoritm” is the changed version of Al Khorazmiy’s name and the word “algebra” is the changed version of his famous book on mathematics “Aljabr”. Al Khorazmiy’s contribution into the worlds science is his scientific achievements in mathematics, astronomy, geography.
1. Хау тол из ши
2. Хе из ван хандред энд севенти фифз см тол
3. Хау мач дас ши вейт
4. Ши вейт эбаут сиксти кг
5. Тол
6. Аврейдж хайт
7. Шорт
8. Слим
9. Аврейдж вейт
10. Овервейт
11. Хи вери гуд локинг вери атректив
12. Ши бьютифул вери атректив
13. Хе шис нот вери атректив
14. Ин хис тинс сертин (межзубный звук) эбаут севентин
15. Ин му хис хер карли твентис твенти твенти сри мид сертис серти фор серти сих лейт фифтис фифти севен фифти найн
<span>terrible old woman with a long nose and long nails, dressed in rags on her face an unpleasant grin</span>
<span><span>1. The tourists were met by the guide
at the station.
2. His letter has just been read by him.
3. An interesting subject is being discussed by our students.
4. Their work will be finished in time.
5. The article had already been translated by they when my dictionary was given
to them.
<u>6. Will they have planted the trees
by the beginning houses in our city every year. </u>(</span>проверьте предложение<span>!!!)
9. A letter was being written by her when I came in.
10. Many wonderful discovers have been made by Russian scientists.
11. Who(m) was the phone answered by?
12. Who(m) was the prize given to?
13. We were asked by two teachers at the examination last year.
14. He is being questioned by the police now.
15. The work has already been done by them.
16. Who(m) was America discovered by?</span></span>
Big, fat, long, short, thin