Я не понял фотки не понятные
Зе юнайтид киндом консиситс оф фор каунтрис:инглэнд,уэльс,скотлэнд энд норсен айлэнд.Зе кэпиталс оф зиис партс ар ландон,кардиф,эдинбург энд белфаст.Зе офишеал нэйм оф зе каунтри из зе юнайтид киндом оф грэйт британ энд норзен айлэнд.Итс ту лонг,изнт ит?Со южали пипл кол ит зе ЮК ор зе юнайтид киндом.Зе нэйм "юнайтид киндом" воз фёрст юзд ин 1707(сэвэнтин оу сэвэн)
I like summer very much. Not because of it is most long holidays in the year. Because I like sunny weather. I like to go to the seaside, to lie at the beach under the sunlight. I like swimming. I like to build a sand house with my sister. I like playing thebeach volleyball with my cousins. Summer is my favorite season. Sometimes it is rainny in the summer. After that the sun is always
1: b
потом спроси у учителя что не понимаешь не стесняйся!!!!
Iceland topped the list of the world's healthiest countries, which Glenville attributes to its government's strict environmental regulations and supply of fresh fish.
<span>Don't smoke.
Enjoy physical and mental activities every day.
Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Take a daily multivitamin, and be sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D.
Maintain a healthy weight and body shape.
Challenge your mind. Keep learning and trying new activities.
Floss, brush, and see a dentist regularly.</span>