Are you going to buy these trainers?
Is he going to pass his driving test?
Are they going to paint their house?
Is she going to attend these lectures?
Are we going to learn French?
Are you going to watch this movie?
Это правильнее
had remembered, would have sent
hadn't been, would have gone
wouldn't have broken, had been
wouldn't have gotten, hadn't taken
had done, wouldn't have shouted
would have passed, had studied
had closed, wouldn't have ran
would have lots, hadn't picked
had saved, would have been able
hadn't been, wouldn't have forgotten
These people live in a rural area.
We were just an urban family.
Birds lived in nests in the suburbs.
I live in the biggest city of Russia.
All the town dwellers were out today in the center.
Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Living in the countryside is fun.
My neighbor is washing his car at the moment.
She was a community leader.
<span>Species of the Dolphin family (dolphins (Latin delphinidae) are found in all open seas and sometimes enter the mouth of large rivers. Representatives of the family of freshwater or river Dolphin (Platanistodea) have a much more limited distribution. They mostly inhabit the inland fresh water, although some of them can penetrate into brackish estuaries and even in the coastal areas of seas.A fish-like body of the Dolphin is ideally adapted for movement in the water and allows them to quickly swim. This also helps and is very elastic and smooth skin, thanks to the oily secretions that facilitate sliding in the water. Dorsal fin, if any, are usually rather sickle than triangular; if it is not bent, it is very high, as in the male orcas.
перевод:</span>Виды семейства дельфиновых (Delphinidae) обитают во всех открытых морях и иногда заходят в устья крупных рек. Представители семейства пресноводных, или речных, дельфинов (Platanistodea) имеют гораздо более ограниченное распространение. Большей частью они населяют внутренние пресные водоёмы, хотя некоторые из них могут проникать в солоноватые эстуарии и даже в прибрежные зоны морей.Рыбообразное тело дельфинов идеально приспособлено для движения в воде и позволяет им очень быстро плавать. Этому также помогает и очень эластичная и гладкая кожа, благодаря маслянистым выделениям, облегчающим скольжение в воде. Спинной плавник, если есть, обычно скорее серповидный, чем треугольный; если он не загнут, то очень высокий, как у самца косатки.
My favourite animal in the zoo is a lion.
Because it is great and strong animal.It is interesting for me to watch what he do.
I want to often go to the zoo because a like lions
Моё любимое животное в Зоопарке это лев.Это хорошое и сильное животное.Мне интересно смотреть что он делает.Я хочу чаще ходить в зоопарк,потому что я люблю львов