My name is (твоё имя). I'm (Сколько тебе лет) years old. All free time I spend with my family. We go Hiking in the forest, skiing, skating and still a lot of things. I'm never bored, because I love my parents!
What kind of climate is in Russia?
Where is climate not very mild?
The climate of Russia is not very mild, is it?
Is the climate of Russia mild?
Is the climate of Russia not very mild or enough mild?
Beautiful, useful, colourful, dreadful, wonderful.
1. The sky is not blue. 2. My favourite colours are not red and
orange. 3. The Tower of London is not a very interesting place. 4. We are not very
busy. 5. My friends are not from
<span> England. 6. I am not in the shop.</span>
<span>1. Небо голубое. 2. Мои любимые цвета: красный и оранжевый. 3. Лондонский Тауэр - очень интересное место. 4. Мы очень заняты. 5. Мои друзья из Англии. 6. Я <span>в магазине.</span></span>
<span>He is taken care of by his wife, who organizes charity events to raise money for his <span>treatment.</span></span>