Ответ: на фото
Объяснение: восьмое напишу, как на уточнишь насчет слова, ок?)
1 has
2 largest
3 was
4 has been
5 untill
6 larger
7 for
8 has had
9 customers
10 departments
задание 3
1 natural
2 combination
3 failures
4 production
5 most impotance
6 reaction
7 goverment
8 organisation
9 donation
1) My birthday is the happiest day in my life.
2) Usually i invite friends to my birthday party.
3) Everyone congratulates me.
4) Everyone gives me a lot of presents.
5) I always remember my last birthday party.
6) I think the most important thing on your birthday is care.
7) After each my birthday parties I had a lot of presents and a good remembrance.
8) On my birthday I always in a good mood.
5.d дьзбжбжбжю