<span>1. The porter will (<u>bring</u>, be brought) your luggage to your room. 2. Your luggage will (bring, <u>be brought</u>) up in the lift. 3. You may (<u>leave</u>, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 4. They can (<u>leave</u>, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, <u>be taken</u>) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (<u>take,</u> be taken) them to the Russian Museum. 7. At the station they will (meet, <u>be met</u>) by a man from the travel bureau. 8. She will (<u>meet</u>, be met) them in the hall upstairs.</span>
1) She wants to tell you...
2) She went to...
3) Her parents went with her
4) They spent three days...
5) London is...
6) She saw...
7) She and her parents visited...
Ukrainian customs and traditions
"Custom" and "habit" in the Ukrainian language cognate. This is part of our daily lives that we imbibe with our mother's milk, singing beloved grandmother or legends that abound in our land. And we are always happy to share with visitors country merry Ukrainian customs, to invite them to the people celebrating pancake day or Midsummer, to give an incredibly beautiful wedding songs, guardian or embroidered towel, lift the pile with a loaf or a tasty treat ritual food – pancakes, Christmas pudding, Easter kulich. And to share the joy of togetherness. Countries, times, people.
Our guests notice the main pattern is a tradition in Ukraine is closely connected with the everyday, calendar and religious life. And this is quite natural. Because a lot of Ukrainian traditions and events, and how many people were connected with the agricultural calendar. Harvest songs, Christmas carols or songs meeting of spring since ancient times was accompanied by seasonal work. It was impossible to imagine the hard work without household magic rituals, and the rest without masquerades, entertainment or ritual greetings and crawls. The natural hospitality and cheerfulness passed from generation to generation through these everyday Ukrainian customs.
Family is very important for the Ukrainians. And of course, its emergence and existence is accompanied by many Ukrainian rituals and rites, Ukrainian customs and traditions. The arrival of the matchmakers and engagement, persuasion and cover (the transition from girlhood to married life), a bachelorette party or a Bridal train, the wedding invitation and hike with many foreclosures bride – almost all of these fun parts gladly abide by our contemporaries. By the way, our girls are very, as they say, tolerant: if they don't like the future husband, then they, according to Ukrainian tradition, matchmakers will make a pumpkin. And the young have so much respect for parents that thrice bow to them after receiving roll with salt. In a word, no wonder the marriage ceremony we call "fun": it's really fun!
Жило-было очень маленькое прилагательное. Такое маленькое, что ни в сказке
сказать, ни пером описать. И звали это маленькое прилагательное Маленький. Все
вокруг подрастали, становились взрослыми, и только Маленький продолжал
оставаться маленьким. Обидно стало Маленькому. Пошел он к самому главному
из главных прилагательных, к Главнейшему и говорит: "Почему я не расту?
Почему всегда остаюсь таким маленьким?" Главнейший ему отвечает:
"Эх ты, грамматику не знаешь! Добавь к себе суффиксы и расти на
здоровье!" Обрадовался Маленький и бегом домой побежал, даже поблагодарить
Главнейшего забыл.
Прибежал в дом, сел за стол и кричит: "Мама! Давай скорее суффиксы! Я
расти буду." Принесла мама самые свежие, самые вкусные суффиксы и начала
их Маленькому подавать. Первый суффикс по имени Наи. Обрадовался Маленький,
стал его примерять, получилось Наималенький. "Глупость какая", -
говорит Маленький. Я, вроде, еще меньше стал. Второй суффикс по имень Ейш.
Примерили. Малейший. Да что ж такое? Опять не подходит! Мама все суффиксы
на тарелочку выложила и стала любимому сыну примерять.
<span>Поздно вечером вернулся с работы папа. Увидел расстроенного сына и сказал:
"Сынок! С суффиксами хорошо, но они чужие. посмотри на себя внимательно. У
тебя тоже суффикс есть. Свой, собственный. Еньк называется. А знаешь, как этот суффикс умненькие ученики называют?
Уменьшительно-ласкательный. Значит и ты у меня маленький да ласковый." </span>
Обрадовался Маленький, расцеловал маму-папу и радостный спать побежал.
<span> </span>
Milk 2 l Eggs 4 pcs. Flour 500 g Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons. Sugar 1.5 tablespoons. SALT 0.5 H.L. PREPARATION PROCESS In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar. Heat a portion of milk, salt and carefully mix with beaten eggs and sugar. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture, constantly stirring, ANSWER with beaten eggs and sugar. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Add a little soda, salt and butter. Mix the rest of the milk and beat. Dough should be moderately well dkim .Razogret .Obzharit pan pancake on both sides until golden brown