My favourite super hero is Wolverine. Now I'll tell you about it in detail.
Wolverine is a mutant with superhuman abilities. He has got regeneration that allows him to survive after serious injuries fatal to man. Most poisons and diseases are also unable to kill or to cause serious harm to Wolverine. His ability also increases stamina and agility, sharpens his senses, slows the aging process.
Wolverine's skeleton is different from a human one. It has six claws (three at each hand). They are like daggers and as sharp as a razor.
Wolverine is the expert of many kinds of martial arts, has military training, he worked as a spy and CIA agent.
Мой любимый супер герой - Росомаха. Я расскажу вам о нём более подробно.Росомаха является мутантом с сверхчеловеческими способностями. У него есть скорость восстановления, что позволяет ему выжить после серьезных травм со смертельным исходом для человека. Большинство ядов и болезней также не могут убить и причинить серьезный вред Росомахе. Его суперспособность также повышает выносливость и ловкость, оттачивает чувства, замедляет процесс старения.Скелет Росомахи отличается от человеческого. Oн имеет шесть когтей (по три на каждой руке), похожих на кинжалы и острых, как бритва. Росомаха - эксперт многих видов боевых искусств, имеет военную подготовку, он работал в качестве шпиона и агента ЦРУ.
Hello,my name is (ваше имя) and i want to tell you about me.I am smart and friendly(girl\boy).I like helping people.I <span>have many interests. I like sport, books, music and computers. I am good sportsman. I am a very good football player. And i am good at swimming, too. I really like writing. I have got three pen friends and often write letters to them. I write very interesting reports for my school newspaper.
In his free time i like playing computer games, playing with my friends, and listening to music. I like playing with my pet parrot, Sparky. In the future i am going to live in a town or a city, and to work with people and help them.</span>
Discount in the clothing store.-скидка в магазине одежды
It is a dog.-это собака
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