- Hello, Mr.Smith.
- Hello, Mary. Come in.
- What are you doing? Aren't you busy?
- I'm looking through my family album. I like looking at old photos.
- May I have a look, too?
- Sure. Make yourself comfortable.
- Thank you, it's very comfortable. Whose photo is this?
- Oh, this is mine.
- Do you have a big family?
- Not really. I have a wife, a son and a daughter.
- And who are these young people?
- These are my nephews and nieces, my sister's and my brother's children. I have many relatives. This is my father-in-law.
- Is this young man to the left your son? He looks like you. How old is he?
- He's twenty-one.
- Is he married?
- Yes, his wife is very pretty.
- Do they live with you?
- No, they don't. They have their own house.
- Really? Good for them.
- Yes. My son doesn't like city life.
- Is their house big?
- It has three storeys and all <span>conveniences: heating, hot water, a phone.
- Where do they work?
- In the city. They get to the city by car, sometimes by bus. It takes them about forty minutes.
- Do you visit them often?
- Not really. Me and my wife come to them about twice a month.</span>
The fauna of Kazakhstan includes more than 170 species of animals, 480 species of birds, about 50 species of reptiles, about 100 species of fish, as well as a large number of amphibians and invertebrates.
The gopher, field vole, pestle, hamsters and pikas live in the steppe, as well as the fox, wolf, saiga, badger, and bustard. There are also birds: cranes, tits, black sparrows, etc.
<span>Россия-это моя Родина. Я люблю его всем сердцем и я очень горжусь этим. Он имеет долгую и богатую историю. Россия много страдала от иностранных захватчиков и жестоких диктаторов, но он никогда не завоевал. Все hictorical события нашли отражение в литературе, искусстве, архитектуре. Россия Рик культурных традиций. Все в мире знают Пушкина, Толстого, Chekhv, Чайковский, Рублев и другие. Много туристов приезжают в Россию чтобы познакомиться с русской культурой, посетить всемирно известно музеев, таких как Эрмитаж, Третьяковская галерея, Русский музей и другие. Русский балет славится во всем мире.
Российская Федерация является крупнейшим страны в мире. Он занимает около 17 миллионов квадратных километров. Страна омывается 12 океанах. Здесь много рек, озер, лесов и гор в нем. Самые длинные реки-Волга в Европе и Енисей, Обь, Амур в Азии. Самым глубоким озером является озеро Байкал. Россия богата полезными ископаемыми : нефть, золото, уголь и железо.
Моя страна настолько большая, что ее территория имеет другой климат. Очень холодно на севере даже летом. На юге температура обычно выше нуля круглый год
Столицей страны является Москва. Он очень старый, но красивый город. Он был основан в 1147 году. Есть много достопримечательностей в Москве. Вы можете видеть много музеев, художественных галерей, театров, церквей и памятник в столице.
Я горжусь своей страной<span>.</span></span>
Если бы была фотка то помогла бы
I’m mad about comics and movies based on fantastic stories about superheroes, mutants and other fictional extraordinary characters with super-powers. My favorite one is Batman. This character is a member of DC and he could be found in a plenty of cartoons, comics and video games.
Batman is a nickname of a rich orphan Bruce Wayne who lost his parents when he was a kid – they were gunned down within sight of a small boy (Bruce). This moment changed a lot in his life. He inherited big money, family business and lived in a big house with a family butler, Albert. But Bruce didn’t become an ordinary man, but a billionaire industrialist and a well-known playboy with secrets. He decided to be the greatest weapon against crime and save lives of ordinary people.
Unlike most of Marvel and DC superheroes Batman has no such unusual skills and super-powers as super-strength, super-speed, flight, invulnerability, x-ray vision, self-healing, etc. Although, he is the most featured superhero of all, because he’s a brilliant detective, a talented jack-of-all-trades, who’s mastered fighting aircrafts. Batman has created his own Batarangs, Batmobile and Utility Belt filled with different types of weapon. He’s always five steps ahead of his foes. Batman is the main protector of Gotham City, dressed like a bat.
I suppose that all Batman movies have become a part of classical cinematography. My favorite one is The Dark Knight with Christian Bale. Now I’m waiting with impatience for a new movie Batman vs. Superman with Ben Affleck.
In my opinion, Batman is the obvious proof you don’t need any super-powers to protect somebody and become somebody’s personal hero. He shows people, that the world is our oyster and everybody could change it.