Does the word 'science' mean 'knowledge'? ОБЩИЙ</span>
the word 'science' mean 'knowledge' or "invention"? АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ
word 'science' means 'knowledge', doesn't it? РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ
word means 'knowledge'? К ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕМУ
does the word 'science' mean? СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ
Does technology influence different aspects of our life?
technology or science influence different aspects of our life?
influences different aspects of our life, doesn't it?
influences different aspects of our life?
aspects of our life does technology influence?
Does a theory become a part of scientific knowledge?
a theory or practice become a part of scientific knowledge?
theory becomes a part of scientific knowledge, doesn't it?
becomes a part of scientific knowledge?
<span>What does a theory become?</span>
4) Do scientists use systematic methods of study?
Do scientists or teachers use systematic methods of study?
Scientists use systematic methods of study, don't they?
Who uses systematic methods of study?
What methods of study do scientists use?<span>
1yes he is.2yes they are.3no she isn t.4no they are.
Put on make-up - накладывать макияж
do a part-time job - работать неполный рабочий день
make a decision - принять решение
drive a van - водить фургон
call the police - вызвать полицию
run out of milk - молоко закончилось
say sorry - извиниться
wash my hair - помыть голову (дословно: помыть волосы)
lose my money - потерять деньги
forget her wedding anniversary - забыть о годовщине свадьбы
There are bedrooms in the house , There are doors in the hall, There are no windows in the hall , There is a kitchen in the house , There is a living room in the<span>house , There is a pantry in the house , There is a lot of windows in the house</span>