“Wild Mint” is a Russian ethno-festival, held annually since 2008, organized by the J-group company. Initially, the one-day festival was held in Moscow in August. In the following years, the duration of “Wild Mint” was extended to three days, and the festival itself was moved to Etnomir, located 90 km from the capital
This is not just a popular music event, not only adults but also children can relax here, because the program is diverse and incredibly interesting. At the festival, you can listen to lectures, watch movies, take part in master classes, purchase unique home-made things.
Here you can try interesting dishes. At the festival more than 50 restaurants and food trucks. Also, every year the festival is visited by popular performers, with a variety of genres. Music for every taste.
Visitors to the "Wild Mint" think that this is one of the most comfortable festivals in Russia. Here there is everything: from the charge in the camping and drinking fountains to free Wi-Fi.
Могу я покурить здесь?
Могу я съесть все яблоки?
Ты не должен возвращаться домой один.
Должен ли я написать упражнение?
Ну,скажем: 1)M<span>aths
</span><span>5)Physical Education</span>
<span>My dad is at home on the painting day.
What are you doing, Sam?
b I am writing an email with my friend.
3. the children are watching tv now.they doing their homework.
a</span>John repairing his car?
b yes he is
Shoulder плече
Neck шия
Chest грудна клітка
Arm рука
Hand рука (долоня)
Leg нога
Knee коліно
Foot ступня
Ankle щиколотка
Head голова
Elbow лікоть
Back спина
Bottom п’ята точка
Thigh стегно
Calf литка
Heel п’ятка
Wrist зап’ястя
Thumb великий палець
Index finger вказівний палець
Finger nail ніготь
Middle finger середній палець
Ring finger безіменний палець
Little finger мізинець
Knuckle кістяшка пальця
Ankle щиколотка
Heel п’ятка
Toe nail ніготь на пальці ногі
Big toe великий палець на нозі
Little toe маленький палець на нозі