Merry - [ˈmɛri] - веселый
angry - [ˈæŋgri] - злой
happy - [ˈhæpi] - счастливый
nice - [naɪs] - приятный/милый
lazy - [ˈleɪzi] - ленивый
funny - [<span>ˈfʌni] - смешной </span>
5:10 -
11:30-it's half past eleven
4:50-it's ten minutes past five
5:15-it's quarter past five
5:30-it's half past five
1.Yes,I did
2.Yes,I was
3. Yes, they will
4.No,she doesn't
5.No,he wasn't
1.Where will they go tomorrow?
2.He went to the park last month
3.Did you go to the zoo last autumn?
4.Where you in Great Britain last year?
5.There are four chairs in the room.
Крысолов вышел <span>и прислонил </span>трубу к губам. Он начал играть.Когда крысы слышыли музыку они выходили из дома Они все бросились следом за крысоловом.Он пошел вниз по улице<span>.</span>
1. He likes sweets.
2. I like sweets.
3. He takes the sweets.
4. I would like some sweets.
5. He can take the sweets.
2. Where is the mouse? The mouse is under the book.
3. Where is teddy? Teddy is in the box.
4. Where is the teacher? The teacher is behind the boy.
5. Where is the apple? The apple is above the girl.
6. Where is the cat? The cat is between the dogs.