A farmer from Argentina discovered a giant egg.A farmer residing in Argentina found an object of very large size, in shape resembling an egg. At first the man decided that he had discovered the laying of the dinosaurs themselves, but the size of the egg, even for the ancient lizards, was too big.
Part of the skeleton of the battleship is very well preserved. Glyptodont's shell is like a turtle.Another find of the farmer made it clear that under the ground in the most ordinary places many amazing and unknown things are hiding.
95 Words.
Жили мама и двое детей. Но однажды мама вернулась с работы с красным пятном на лице. С каждым днем это пятно росло все больше, заняло все лицо, и мама умерла. Перед смертью она велела своим детям ни за что не ходить ночью на кладбище. На следующий день ночью мальчик услышал голос. Он велел мальчику встать, одеться и идти на кладбище. Мальчик пошел и пропал. Его искали, но не нашли. Потом этот же голос услышала ночью и девочка. Она встала, оделась и пошла на кладбище. Там ей навстречу вышла женщина в белом платье и с красным лицом. Это была мама девочки. Она протянула руки и хотела схватить девочку, но та увидела, что лицо мамы — это красная кожаная маска. Она схватила ее и сорвала с лица. Маска в ее руках закричала и рассыпалась, а мама поблагодарила дочь, что она ее освободила и пошла в свою могилу, а девочка вернулась домой.
<span> There lived mum and two children. But once mum has returned from work with a red stain on the person. Every day this stain grew more and more, has occupied all person, and mum has died. Before death she ordered children for what not to go at night on a cemetery. Next day at night the boy has heard a voice. He ordered to rise, put on and go to the boy on a cemetery. The boy has gone and was gone. For it searched, but have not found. Then the same voice has heard at night and the girl. It has risen, has put on and has gone on a cemetery. There to it towards there was a woman in a white dress and with a red face. It was mum of the girl. She has stretched hands and wanted to seize the girl, but that has seen that the person of mum is a red leather mask. It has seized it and has broken from the person. The mask in her hands has cried and was scattered, and mum has thanked the daughter that it has released it and has gone to the tomb, and the girl has come back home. </span>
Он не хочет отправлять сочинение сюда, поэтому сделал скрины, и сори за то что без перевода, времени не было, и там либо much либо many, я не помню
Hello. How are you ? -Thanks, very good . Did you attend a literature lecture yesterday? -Unfortunately no. I felt bad and should have stayed home. G. What is wrong with you? You are sick ? You need to go to the doctor . H. How do you usually get to your parents? -Sometimes I ride the tram, and sometimes by autobus and by subway. How long does it take to get there - By bus and by metro only twenty minutes.4. Could you give me your literature notes Of course, come to me (home) tomorrow night - Ok, thanks. 5. Do not forget to call me. 6. I can not remember this grammar rule. 7. Lecture starts at nine. We must hurry. 8. You have a fever. You should stay at home and call your doctor. 9. Have you made your report? -No, I was not in college (I did not go to college), I was sick. 10. How much time you need to prepare your lessons well - It usually takes me an hour or two if my homework is not very difficult. 11. Look at this tall man, do you remember him? we studied together at the institute.. 10. How much time you spend, it’s good to prepare lessons - It usually takes me an hour or two if my homework is not very difficult. 11. Look at this tall man. Do you remember him ? We studied together at the institute. 12. Why did you have to ask your friend (friend) for his notes? - I missed a few lectures this week, so I have to use the notes of my friend. 13. lebe should talk to Peter now. Why don't you want to call him? “I'm afraid he's not home right now.” I have to hurry to his college. 14. When comrade Petrov lectures, listen to him.
3 You can have tea or coffee. Which do you want?
4 You can't find ny umbrella. What color is it?
5 What is your favorite sport?
6 This is a very nice house. Which room is yours?
7 Which is more expensive meat or fish?
8 Which is older, Ann or George?
9 What is your telephone number?
10 What kind of TV programmers do you like watching?
11 She 's got three cars. Which cars does she use most?
12 Who nationality are you? I'm Brazilian