1 Oleh likes such films.
Does Oleh like such films?
Oleh likes such films, doesn't he?
Does Oleh like such films or books?
Who likes such films?
What does Oleh like?
2 In winter we ski and skate a lot.
Do we ski and skate a lot in winter?
In winter we ski and skate a lot, don't we?
Do we ski and skate a lot in winter or in autumn?
Who skies and skates a lot of in winter?
What do we do in winter?
1. was sleeping, was watching, was, have thought, was, think.
2. was walking, was seeing.
3. are running.
4.dont work, dont speak
5. bought
6.go, was seeing, was arriving
Nowadays science is very important for all kinds of people to live in the World.
Particularly science studies can provide the mankind with modern tools of understanding <em>technology, the nature of peace and human relationships.</em>
<em>Science is also closely connected with ecology.</em>
<em>Moreover, scientists study the Universe, develop spacecrafts and study the Earth’s atmosphere.They can prevent people from dangers that are getting on the Earth from the space, warn against them and try to create the specific protection.</em>
<em>Without science we wouldn’t get cars, planes, ships – almost all means of transport.</em>
<em>Apart from this, science studies the energy of sun and atom.It searches for the new methods of organizing a man’s life more comfortable and more secure. All in all, every scientific study is essential.It helps people to live in harmony with nature and to find their way in the developing world.</em>
1)Как дела. Пётр? [Хорошо]
2)Ты пил чай [Да, я его пил]
3)Ты выспался? [да, я выспался]
4)Ты дома? [да, я дома]
5)Ты добрый?[да, я добрый]