He's watching TV since morning (либо же всё утро - all morning);
I've got English class tomorrow at 8 o'clock;
Air in the city becomes more and more dirty;
I've lost my wallet;
Her hail are dirty. She coloured the house all day long;
You always lose something!
You are writing an essay for two hours;
I go to the swimming pool three times a day;
Dad is reparing the car from the morning;
He broke his leg.
Ай'м спэндин зе уик ин итали. Зис ис эмэйзинг. Эври дэй ай гоу ту зэ пак энд ин кафэ. Зэ фуд ис делишэс. Олмост эври дэй э Стронг винди ис вэзе бат зэ сан
На следующее утро Джек увидел огромный бобовый стебель выросший до неба. Он полез (пошел) вверх по бобовому стеблю. Когда Джек достиг вершины он большой замок и вошел в него.
Во втором путешествии (походе) вверх по бобовому стеблю, Джек взял мешок с золотом от спящего великана.
Жила была бедная женщина и её сын Джек. Все что они имели была корова. В один день (однажды) мать послала Джека в город продать корову. По дороге в город он встретил мужчину. Джек продал корову (сторговал) за волшебный боб.
Скоро великан пришел в замок. Джек спрятался. Он увидел великана с курицей откладывавшей золотые яйца. Когда великан уснул, Джек взял курицу и побежал с ней домой.
He said that he was writing an article on environmental problems.
He said that he had got up late the day before and been late for work.
He said that he would send you an e-mail the next day.
He said that it had been very cold a week before.
He said that he had done the shopping and he was free then.
<span>1) In Scotland, the New year's Eve celebration is called Hogmanay.
2) It is the most exciting
celebration of the year.
3) Preparations for the celebration start early on
December 31st.
4) People clean their houses.
5) They also make special biscuit and rich fruit cake.
6) There are concerts and carnivals in
the streets of all Scottish towns.
7) A lot of people dress
up in colourful costumes.
8) As soon as
the bells chime twelve, everyone kisses and heartily wishes each other a
Happy New Year.
9) Then people join hands and proudly sing the traditional
song 'Auld Lang Syne'.
10) On 1st January people visit
friends and neighbours to wish them luck for the New Year. </span>