There are a lot of unique animals live in Australia. For instance: kangaroos and platypus. They are strange and unusual. And they are the most famous for people from all over the world. <span>Australia is also home to some of the most dangerous animals</span><span> on the earth, like: Australian snakes, poison spiders ect.</span>
Задание 4(могу только с 5 вопроса,потому что остальные надо брать из учебника)
5.Yes,I did
6.No,I didn't
7.No,it didn't.
Составьте предложения со словами: beautiful, handsome, rich, attractive, famous, successful, great, talented, smart, well-known,
Lyalka [188]
Today was a beautiful dawn.
This guy is very handsome.
All the celebrities are very rich.
Last but not least, she is attractive.
This was said by a famous<span> inventor, Thomas Alva Edison.
</span>Nevertheless, successful<span> experiences by small firms exist.
</span>Turns out my great<span> expectations, not so </span>great<span>.
</span>A remarkable learned, talented<span> teacher stood by professor in 26 years.
</span>Hopefully your father is as smart<span> as you.
</span>In the next years such well-known<span> scientists as Professor F.A.
</span>I told you it's funny<span>.
</span>Run, you clever<span> boy and remember.
</span>They reveal someone intelligent<span>, probably college-educated.</span>
Three o'clock-3.00
eight o'clock-8.00
eleven o'clock-11.00
ten minutes past seven-7.10
twenty minutes past seven 7.20
half past nine 9.30
half past two 2.30
ten minutes to nine 8.50
ten minutes to twelve 11.50
five minutes to six 5.55
Фламинго (лат. Phoenicopterclassae) - единственное в отряде фламиногообразных семейство птиц с длинными тонкими ногами и гибкой шеей, большим выгнутым книзу клювом, роговые пластины языка и челюстей которого помогают ему фильтровать пищу, добываемую из воды и ила. Задний палец на лапах либо слабо развит, либо его совсем нет; передние пальцы ног образуют собой плавательную перепонку. Flamingo (lat. Phoenicopterclassae) - only in the unit flaminogoobraznyh family of birds with long, thin legs and a flexible neck, a large curved beak down, horny plate tongue and jaw which help him to filter food from water and extracted sludge. Rear finger on the feet or poorly developed, or it does not; front toes form a swimming membrane.