A modern business enterprise is often a COMPLEX system requiring a lot of CAPITAL which is provided by the public when they BUY shares in the company. Since they have PROVIDED the capital, it is appropriate that they choose the people who are to RUN the company for them, namely the board of directors. Many of the DIRECTORS also have executive responsibilities. Thus, a marketing director might be a full director of the board APPOINTED by the shareholders at the annual GENERAL meeting like the other directors. Yet he might also be responsible for the day-to day MANAGEMENT of the marketing department. Most of his time will be BRAND (?) administrative matters, organizing market research, dealing with ADVERTISING and generally ensuing that the COMPANY'S sales are maximized. But he will function as a director when the board of directors meets. The POST of managing director also COMBINES the roles of chief executive with membership of the board and this allows him to act as a vital LINK between the board of directors and their COMPANY'S management team. The managing director is often also a chairman of the board of directors. APPOINTED directors have the advantage that they are ACTIVELY involved with the …. affairs …. If the board of directors wish to move in a CERTAIN direction, the executive directors will know whether such a COURSE of action is practicable. For example, the board might wish to SELL their products in a particular OVERSEAS market. The market would be profitable for the company, but the MARKETING director knows that his team of salespeople lack the experience to take advantage of the Situation. Or perhaps the board would like to INCREASE the advertising expenditure during the FINANCIAL year but the FINANCIAL director knows that the company will have to meet some heavy commitments during the COMING months and it would be better to DELAY the campaign. Perhaps the best board is one which contains a MIXTURE of executive and non- executive directors. In this way the board has the …. some directors who know the practical problems FACED by the business, while others bring their own BENEFIT (?) of expertise to the boardroom discussions.
When did they come yesterday
Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after day I can have fun when I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. It's not easy to do every kind of work at home, but I can learn to do everything myself. When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy.
Роблячи домашні справи є необхідною частиною нашого життя. Люди в усьому світі намагаються працювати. Вони, як правило, мають багато обов'язків. У мене є багато обов'язків, занадто. Мої батьки часто втомився, і я повинен піклуватися про них. Всі задоволені, коли вдома завжди яскраві і чисті. День за днем я можу веселитися, коли я роблю роботу по дому. Я підмести підлогу, акуратну мою кімнату, очистити взуття, пил меблі, приготування їжі собі і робити всі види робіт. Це не так легко зробити будь-який вид роботи вдома, але я можу навчитися робити все сам. Коли я роблю роботу по дому і, все в родині щасливий.